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  • Writer's pictureMARY HALL SCOTT

Is your artist educated on the latest technology?

Technology matters! Technique matters! Pigment matters!

Artist's education matters!

This is a very exciting time for our industry. Why does technology, technique, pigments and education matter? The answer is only one word: retention!

I always have this conversation with my clients. Unfortunately, what you usually see on social media are pictures

of immediately after the procedure has been done. The reason artist's use these is because once the client is done with the final procedure they do not return for healed photo's. The artist has to make an effort to collect these photo's.

I am very excited about the Xion! It is a new pen that will be released soon! It has technology the PMU industry have never seen or had access to before.

Remember my moto: When it comes to your face there is no compromise!

Ask your artist about their education, the technology that they use, their education and look at healed photo's!

I need a new photo as I have added more education since this was taken, but you get the idea!

I need a new photo because I have added more certifications, but you get the idea!

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